Amazon Item of the Day: Mpow CD Slot Car Phone Holder

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When I bought my car ages ago, I remember it being a real big deal to me that I spend the extra cash to get the one that had GPS. Well, fast forward nearly a decade and the GPS in my car is old, busted, and severely out of date. Sure, I could pay Toyota a couple hundred bucks for new map data, but what’s even the point when you can just use Google Maps or Waze? Additionally, while using my iPhone for mapping became more common, using the CD player slot in my car stopped entirely- Making it the best place to put a phone mount.

The Mpow CD Slot Car Phone Holder is universally adored on Amazon, and at $9.99, is totally worth picking up over having your phone in your cupholder, in your lap, or in your hands. You slide the mount into your CD slot then turn the locking crank until there’s enough pressure to keep it there, then, a normal spring enclosure setup keeps your iPhone in place.

The Mpow CD Slot Car Phone Holder is totally universal, and works with any smartphone you’d ever want to put in it, with the one exception being if you have a super bulky Otterbox-style case. You might need to downsize if that’s the case. Either way, all the ports on the bottom are exposed so you can charge, run a line in, or whatever else.

If you’re not into CD mounts, I like the Anker Vent Mount which I’ll fully feature tomorrow.

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