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Our favorite Micro SD card for the Nintendo Switch is once again on sale on Amazon. We’re huge fans of the Sandisk Ultra 200GB Micro SDXC UHS-I Card as it has transfer speeds of up to 100MB/s which is more than fast enough for anything you’d ever want to do with the Switch, and being a Sandisk card it’s backed by a real brand name folks respect with a 10 year warranty if anything ever goes bad. And really, after 10 years, we’ll probably have way crazier forms of storage.
The Sandisk Ultra 200GB Micro SDXC UHS-I Card is what I use in my Switch, as I think it’s the best bang for the buck as far as the capacity to cost ratio right now at $49.50 (as of this writing). You can size down to the 128GB card for $29.50, or up to a 256GB card for $71.50. Both of those are good prices too, so it basically comes down to how much eShop games you plan on buying.
I can barely keep up with the pace of great downloadable eShop titles that get released, and to avoid needing to juggle archiving games and only keeping a limited amount of games on your internal system memory, a bigger micro SD card is a great purchase for the Switch. It’s hard to really write too much more about this card as it does exactly what it’s advertised to do: Hold games, read/write fast, and be reliable.
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If you want to take things a step further, you can check out our Patreon, but either way we just appreciate you sticking with us and continuing to both visit and contribute to the TouchArcade community over the years! If you’ve got a product you’re interested in seeing featured in an Amazon Item of the Day, don’t hesitate to reach out. The best way to get in contact with us is via email at and be sure to include “Amazon Item of the Day” in the subject.
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