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When it comes to charging, I’m all about packing as many ports into a charger as I can, which has made these mutli-port chargers an absolute necessity both around my house and in my bag of junk I carry with me when I travel. The RAVPower 60W 5-Port USB-C Charging Station is one heck of a multi-tasker, as it features a USB-C port capable of charging the Nintendo Switch, your MacBook, or other USB-C devices and four USB ports that can do 2.4A each. Better yet, for whatever reason, today this is on sale for $20.39 (down from $39.99). For the sake of comparison, I’ve also got a bunch of these very similar Anker chargers that I bought thinking they were a pretty good deal at $49.99. This is an absurd deal.
I have these kind of chargers all over the place at my house, as it seems like everything I use these days charges either over USB or USB-C. I’ve got one in the drawer of my night stand, on my desk, and next to my couch. $20 is pretty nuts too, as that’s what a normal Switch charger will run you, but this one also includes four more USB ports for charging batteries, iPhones, iPads, and any other weirdo thing you plug into a USB port for power. I do wish someone would eventually release a charger like this that has a fold in power plug sort of like MacBook chargers, as the cord is a little annoying for minimal travel packing, but, whatever.
Amazon reviews are overly positive as well, with the few negative reviews coming from folks who just seem like they got a bad unit they could easily just return to Amazon. Additionally, Ravpower offers lifetime warranties on these chargers in case it stops working after your warranty runs out. Really, I can’t say enough good things about these things, and for $20? That’s a frickin’ smokin’ deal.
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