Amazon Item of the Day: The Linksys Velop WiFi Mesh Network – $70 Off

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I am a simpleton who lives in a small, single story ranch house. I’ve got my WiFi router in the center of my house, and really just don’t have any WiFi coverage issues aside from in my garage… Which I don’t really use WiFi from anyway. Friends with larger houses seem to just have constant issues, which becomes a pretty annoying problem with how many things these days require WiFi connectivity. Not long ago I helped a friend of mine solve this exact problem by installing the Linksys Velop Whole Home WiFi Intelligent Mesh System.

It’s shockingly easy to do, as you start by identifying which areas in your house have poor WiFi signal, then just intelligently place the three different access points (with one near your router) so everything is covered and then you just plug them in and let the Linksys app do the rest. I had never set up one of these systems before, and we were both sort of amazed by how simple it is. I still remember the days of when the concept of home routers were new and how weirdly complicated the setup can be, with the Velop system you basically name your network, set a password, and the rest is more or less automatic.

Only a few minutes later, and all the different dead zones and problem areas were gone. It seriously was like magic. I mean, sure, that’s the entire point of these mesh network systems, but having been so use to WiFi being notoriously flaky I have to say I was incredibly skeptical that this setup would work as well as it does. There’s a bunch of different options on Amazon for setups that do simlar things, including the Google WiFi system, but with today’s sale price of $229.97, the Linksys Velop Whole Home WiFi Intelligent Mesh System is the cheapest I’ve seen one of these mesh network setups from a name brand you recognize. If WiFi signal strength is a constant annoyance at your house, this is a fantastic solution.

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