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It’s no secret that we friggin’ love the Nintendo Switch around here. In a lot of ways, it is delivering on the promise it felt like the iPhone and iPad were trying to make with portable gaming… before we got swerved into this alternate universe hellscape we’re living in now. 2018, am I right?! Anyway, the one thing that sort of sucks for the Switch as a portable device is that unlike the DS or 3DS, the screen and analog sticks are always exposed which isn’t great for just tossing in a bag. This had led me to try out a bunch of different cases, and eventually landing on the supremely minimalist Tomtoc Slim Hard Case. UPS just dropped mine off on Monday, and I’ve been super happy with it so far.
As far as a Switch case is concerned, the Tomtoc Slim Hard Case has everything you need and nothing you don’t. There’s just enough room for your Switch, a flap that you can keep some game cards in, and enough room to weasel some ear buds in as well along with maybe one other cord if it’s pretty short. The outer shell is also designed in a way that prevents having direct pressure on the analog sticks, which I really like.
The Amazon reviews are overwhelmingly positive, aside from a few one off negative reviews mentioning the case … smells bad? I’m usually pretty sensitive to that sort of thing and don’t have any problem with the Tomtoc Slim Hard Case. If I close it up around my nose and breathe deep, sure, there’s a bit of a plastic-y smell but I have no idea why you’d ever do this. So, I guess it comes down to this: If you want a reasonably priced super slim no frills Nintendo Switch case that provides good protection and your primary use for it isn’t breathing deep with it zippered around your face… I’m super happy with the Tomtoc Slim Hard Case. Also, it’s worth mentioning that if you want to opt for the grey color it’s a couple bucks cheaper, but, I like the black with the red zipper pulls.
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