Amazon Item of the Day: Decadent Minimalist DM1 Aluminum Wallet – The Best Minimalist Wallet

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We’ve talked about our EDC (everyday carry, for people who don’t follow dumb internet lingo) on The TouchArcade Show quite a bit, and after a ton of trying out different things, I’ve officially settled on my favorite wallet: The Decadent Minimalist DM1 Aluminum Wallet. It’s actually a product that started as a Kickstarter, and is now available on Amazon. It comes in a bunch of different colors, which oddly seem to be priced differently ranging from (as of this writing) $69.00 for black on the high end and $59.00 for blue on the low end. I really don’t understand the pricing discrepancy, but, hey, whatever. Maybe no one buys the blue one.

So the way this wallet works is unlike any wallet I’ve ever had before. It’s basically like if you took the idea of a money clip, but re-imagined the concept specifically for credit cards. I roll out with a couple different credit cards I use, my debit card, an insurance card, and drivers license, so for me the 8-card size is perfect with some room to spare for hotel keys, a Costco card, an RFID keycard badge thingamajig, or whatever else I might need that day. If you’re a super minimalist there’s also a 4-card size, or if you need to carry around more stuff there’s a 12-card size.

Here’s the original Kickstarter video, that shows how it’s made and how it works:

Basically, you slide your cards straight in and out when you need them, and the wallet gives you this nice satisfying click when everything is locked in and secured. It’s really sort of wild how well this system all works, as the design is actually unbelievably simple. To pull out a card that’s not on the immediate front or back, you just slide the first one out a tiny bit to disengage the clipping mechanism, and then you can easily shuffle the other cards out underneath. It’s so much easier than every other super minimal wallet I’ve tried.

If you’re super hardcore, it’s also available in titanium starting at $129, but I can’t really think of many benefits of having the titanium model other than if you like geeking out over metals. I really can’t even tell you guys how much I love this wallet, particularly as it seems going to be real hard to find something more minimal than this unless I just decide to downgrade to a rubber band or one of these binder clip things. If you’ve got a George Costanza wallet, this isn’t the wallet for you… Or maybe it is, as it’ll force you to finally get rid of that Showbiz Pizza coupon you’ve had in your back pocket since 1988.

Thanks for checking out today’s Amazon Item of the Day, and as mentioned before, even if you’re not interested in this particular product, buying things from Amazon by first visiting is immensely helpful in supporting the site at no additional cost to you. If you want to take things a step further, you can check out our Patreon, but either way we just appreciate you sticking with us and continuing to both visit and contribute to the TouchArcade community over the years! If you’ve got a product you’re interested in seeing featured in an Amazon Item of the Day, don’t hesitate to reach out. The best way to get in contact with us is via email at and be sure to include “Amazon Item of the Day” in the subject.

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