Amazon Item of the Day: Elevation Lab’s The Anchor – An Under-Desk Headphone Mount, Now 42% Off

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I’ve already reviewed my favorite gaming headphones as part of our Amazon Item of the Day series, and modern headphones all seem to be trending towards being bigger and bigger- with the SteelSeries Arctis Pros definitely also fitting in line with that. I do my best to keep my desk free of clutter, and never seem like I have a great place to put my headphones until I stumbled across The Anchor by Elevation Lab. If you’re unfamiliar with Elevation Lab, they got their start with a Kickstarter for an iPhone dock back in 2011 and since then have more or less become known for making really intelligently designed accessories. (I’ve actually got a few more of their things I’ll be posting this week.)

Like most of Elevation Lab’s stuff, the beauty of The Anchor is its simplicity. It’s made of a flexible rubber-ish material with space on each side to hold things. I’m using wireless headphones now, but before that I used one side to hold my headphones and the other to wrap the cord around loosely. It sticks to the underside of your desk with the same super sticky 3M adhesive that GoPro uses for their helmet mounts, so it’s more than capable of holding a pair of headphones.

More than anything else, I just love that The Anchor gives me a spot to put these giant headphones I use at my computer without them just going in a pile of whatever other things I’m working on at the time. Folks in Amazon reviews have even mentioned that it works just as well sticking it on the side of your desk too, which makes sense. As far as criticism in Amazon reviews is concerned, it seems the only problem people really have is it falling off, but I’d be very curious how many people who had those problems also followed the instructions where they very clearly tell you to stick it on and let the adhesive cure for 24 hours before using it. (I made this mistake with a GoPro mount.)

There’s a bunch of other headphone holders on Amazon but oddly enough the original The Anchor seems to be the cheapest. As of this writing it’s on sale for almost half off, getting the price down to $10.95.

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